Cascade Falls in Tahoe is absolutely beautiful! We went camping with our cousins! Eric got a little terrified when he thought his little Mario figure had gone down the waterfall, but luckily Daddy saved Mario from a bumpy, soggy, torturous death!
I'm the queen of the Edwards Clan. Except that I am more of a servant. I feel fairly balanced with work and pleasure. I love my family more than anything in this world. I can't wait for you to enjoy getting a taste of being an Edward.
Sadie is "magnetic"...she draws you in. Ryan and the boys always quote a nursery rhyme, "There was a little girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead; when she was good she was very,very good, but when she was bad, she was horrid." Gotta Love her!
Eric Ryan
Eric is a little Ryan; he is calm, cool and relaxed. Eric is sharp, he learns and remembers. He loves music and loves to draw. He loves to create stories, languages and characters. He is a perfect little and big brother. We love him very much.
Jordan Allen
Oh, my Jordan! What a PERFECT older brother. He is very organized. He cleans for me and does it quick. He likes to move and move fast! He loves video games, but enjoys the outdoor adventures,as well. He is very social, and loves to be around people. He asks daily who he will be playing with?!?! Jordan, I hope you always remember that we love you to the moon and back!
Ryan Edwards
I love him, and he loves me!
Favorite Quotes
Sadie: "my heart is beeping!"
Jordan said, "Let's play the opposite game!" Eric: "But then I would have to be a girl and I would have to be dead!!!"
Eric: Can I wear that tomorrow?" (talking about Sadie's new pink bath robe) Mom: "But Eric, it's pink" Eric: " I don't care, tough guys wear pink!"
Sadie: "Mommy there is another American Idol flag on that flagpole!!"
Sadie: "Mommy, I think the TV is going to run out of batteries!"
Sadie: "Are these berries for birds?" Mommy: "Yes, those are poisonous to people, we don't ever eat those." Eric: "But Mom, didn't you make a 'poisonberry pie'?" Mommy: Eric, I made a 'Boysenberry (sp?) pie'!"
Dad: "There are a lot of Audi's in this movie" (Ironman) Eric: Hey, did you know that everybody in our family has "in-ies"! But Uncle Chris has an Out-y! (cars vs. belly buttons)
Mom: "Sadie you need to drink your milk." Sadie: "but mom, then my lipstick will go off!..oh, I will just use a straw, then it will be OK!" :)
Sadie: "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"
Eric: "Why does magnesium like to go up to space?" Emily: "huh?" ask your dad!
Sadie: "Are we eating hairy noodles or finger noodles?" (angel hair or penne)
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