Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer and Swimming!

Jordan loves getting an ICEE at every swim meet!!
A few swimming buddies: Andrew Behrmann, Jordan,
Davy Crosier and Bryce Ipson

Go Jordan! Freestyle!
Looking to see his time! He got better every meet!

Jordan is an amazing kid and swimmer. He was Gator of the week, which is a very special recognition, but we were absolutely delighted when he received the
"Coaches Choice Award" for the 9-10 boys! What an honor. He worked hard, improved and was respectful to his coaches and team members. We are very proud parents!

1 comment:

Annie Sunshine said...

I love that Bryce has good friends like Jordan to do great activities with. He really is a great kid.

P.S. You had a ton of posts, but where are my peach pictures?!?

I know, I know, I need to learn's not like you haven't had anything to do since then or anything. Also I would love some pictures of the piano! Guess I could stop by to see that.